Competitive Advantage in Global Market: Theoretical Assumptions and Assessment Options
Aušra Liučvaitienė, Kęstutis Peleckis, Neringa Slavinskaitė, Tadas Limba

The articles analyzed the possibilities of forming a competitive advantage and are given the methodologies for competitiveness assessment, which can be used. Conducted analysis of theoretical aspects of the competitiveness evaluation, assessed the opportunities of application research methods of competitiveness and competitive advantage. As economic entities are operating in the global market, so there is not enough good quality products that meet consumers' needs. It is essential that the products which they produce and their management would be not only in accordance with the company, but also would serve for the interests of customers and society as a whole, to avoid internal and external problems interfering with social life, or would be in contrary to accepted norms and healthy life. Gaining competitive advantage in the global market it is not sufficient to get a competitive advantage, it requires a detailed knowledge of their audiences and their needs in the dynamics. It was found that it is appropriate to extend the concept of competitive advantage, including linking and the relative, absolute and effective operational strengths. Literature studies in the comparative and absolute advantage theory can be applied to different levels of economic systems, both single entity and the industry, both at regional or national level. The study found that in the assessment of an industry's competitiveness, it is possible to use only part of the methodology and indicators, and all the benefits of the evaluation methodology cannot take advantage of the lack of data. Our research and, evaluation of other researchers experience suggests that in the recent economic literature is proposed to assess the economic competitiveness in the overall chain: the producer-processor-reproducerdealer- customer.

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