The Acceleration of Traditional Batik (Creation and Combination) through Integrated Management to Support the Acceleration in Regional Economic Development
Asri Laksmi Riani, Julianus Johnny Sarungu, Margana

In the long term, this study aims to increase the income and welfare of batik craftmen, support the development of creative industry, and support the regional development. This study is a descriptive study and uses qualitative approach. The data are gathered using observation, Focus Group Discussion, and content analysis. Interactive analysis technique (Miles & Huberman, 1984), internal-external analysis technique (MSG, 2013), and supply-demand analysis technique (Blank & Stigler, 1957) are used to analyze the data. The result shows that Sragen district has potency in batik that can be developed as local product excellence. On the one side, there are several supporting factors for the acceleration of traditional batik industry in Sragen district, which include municipal government policy, banking facilities through capital loan, contribution from NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), and foster father system. While the factors that hinder the acceleration are the fluctuation of foreign exchange, unhealthy price competition, non-optimal batik association, limited number of experts, limited working capital, raw materials availability, synthetic color quality, erratic weather, non-optimal role of batik cooperation, and the lack of training. Based on the result of analysis we formulate a model to accelerate the traditional batik industry in Sragen through intergrated management to support the acceleceration of regional economic development. The model is then named IMBE (Integrated Management for Batik Enrichment) model.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/smq.v4n4a4