Strategic Management Quarterly

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Gerald Seals, Professor of Business, Newberry College, USA.

ISSN: 2372-4951 (Print Version)

ISSN: 2372-496X (Electronic Version)

Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)

Nature: Print and Online

Submission E-mail: [email protected]

Language of Publication: English

Strategic Management Quarterly is a peer reviewed international academic journal that publishes original materials concerned with all aspects of strategic management. The journal publishes the research papers devoted to the improvement and further development of the theory and practice of strategic management. The journal provides a communication forum for advancing strategic management theory and practice. The Journal seeks to improving the existing knowledge and understanding of strategy development and implementation globally in private and public organizations.

Strategic Management Quarterly is intended for researchers, faculty and other academics involved in the growing field of strategy as practice that embraces emerging academics and international ideas. Papers accepted for publication are double-blind refereed to ensure academic integrity. Practicing managers will also find this content of value when formulating and implementing new strategic initiatives, particularly the consultant market.

E-Publication FirstTM

E-Publication FirstTM is a feature offered through our journal platform. It allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and accepted, to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. Readers can freely access or cite the article. The accepted papers are published online within one week after the completion of all necessary publishing steps.


Each paper published in Strategic Management Quarterly is assigned a DOI®number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper. Click HERE to know what is DOI (Digital Object Identifier)? Click HERE to retrieve Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for journal articles, books, and chapters.

Abstracted/Indexed in:

CrossRef, CrossCheck, Cabell's, Ulrich's, Griffith Research Online, Google Scholar,, Informatics, Universe Digital Library, Standard Periodical Directory,Gale, Open J-Gate, EBSCO, Journal Seek, DRJI, ProQuest, BASE, InfoBase Index, OCLC, IBSS, Academic Journal Databases, Scientific Index.

Editorial Board

Dr. Gerald Seals, Professor of Business, Newberry College, USA.
Prof. Dr. Okan Akcay, Department of Business Administration, Kutztown University, USA.
Dr. Vedat Akman, Department of Business Administration, Beykent University, Turkey.
Prof. JulioAraujo Carneiro da Cunha, Dept. of Business Management, Paulista University, Brazil.
Prof. Maria Rosário Justino, Dept. of Management, ISCAL- Polytechnical Institute of Lisbon, Portugal.
Prof. Dr. Abdulnaser Nour, Middle East University, Amman – Jordan.
Dr. Oktay EMIR, Anadolu University, Eskisehir-TURKEY.
Dr. Hengky Sumisto Halim, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia.
Dr. Qadir Mohiuddin, PhD, NYIT- New York Institute of Technology, China.
Dr. Mehrdad Orouei, Department of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
Current Issue
To submit your paper and for any query, please contact the executive editor at [email protected]